There are now even more reasons to love Sale-A-Bration, because more items have just been added to earn for FREE!!! Click Here to download the flyer or check them out below.
Remember, you earn one FREE product for every $50 you spend (before tax & shipping). To see all the Sale-A-Bration options, check out the full brochure Download Here.
Metallics Glimmer Tape #141020
(Includes 3 rolls; 1 of each color, 9/16" wide, 5 yds. each)
Pedal Pusher Stamp Set #141312
(Set of 11 Photopolymer Stamps)
Party Pants Stamp Set #141324 (wood) #141327 (clear)
(Set of 12)
These items are only available February 16th - March 31st, 2016. But just know that product availability may be limited at the end of the promotion period, so get them before they're gone! Order Online Here!
Also, check out the new Weekly Deals available through February 23rd or while supplies last!
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